I am so happy with my life with two babies :]
They both make my life worth living, if it weren't for them I would be nothing.
Aedyn is the best little boy I could ever ask for.
He sleeps very well at night for a 6 week old I think.
He doesn't nap very much during the day anymore, but I do let him whenever he wants to.
Around 8-9 at night he starts to get really sleepy and I usually try to keep him half way awake until 10 when we go to sleep.
Just to try to maximize MY sleeping time!
He wakes up probably about every 3 hours for a bottle, which is definately an improvement, it was more like every hour and a half.
He wakes up for good around 8 in the morning! ughhh Rylee usually lets me sleep until 10. But no more sleeping in for me! haha
When he is awake during the day, he has the bottle in his mouth almost constantly!
Jake calls him fat daddy, he is getting really big! I'm going to miss him as a little baby sooo much!
Aedyn's been pretty fussy and always wants to be held. I don't really care that he is going to be spoiled. lol
I definately cared when Rylee was a baby about holding her too much and all of that, but not this time!
I don't know why, I just feel like I am doing the right thing this way?
Rylee isn't so easy with Aedyn all of the time, she thinks she is helping, but usually she is hurting him.
I feel sortof bad for him that he has to go his whole life having someone to torment him.
But on the flipside of that he will always have someone to play with :]
Rylee rolled over for the first time at 6 1/2 weeks. So I am anxiously awaiting Aedyn to do it!
I love them with all of my heart!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
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i dont know what the heck thats sposed to mean? lol