Aedyn at 2 1/2 months old
Aedyn rolled over for the first time at 1 month, 2 weeks, and 3 days.
Which is one day earlier than Rylee did for the first time.
I know, I am so crazy about the details, I just don't want to miss a thing.
Lately I have noticed how insane my picture taking has gotten. I'm sure one day I will have 100 albums full of pictures, I'm sure Rylee & Aedyn won't even care about.
But I just love pictures, because I know one day my babies are going to be grown and I am never going to get this time back.
So I try to do as many things for them and give them as many fun experiences as I can now.
For the past week or so Aedyn has started to really talk. He is so funny. Whenever I say his name really sweetly he gives the biggest smile almost every single time I do it.
That is what got him to talk, because when I get him to smile is usually when he's the most talkative.
I forgot how much I missed baby talk, it's been so long since Rylee did that.
He's getting to be a big man now :] He weighs in at 13 lbs. already. He has the biggest turkey neck I think I have ever seen on a baby. lol
He has had it since he was born but it has really gotten big lately. All I ever hear is how big he is.
I love spending my days with my babies :]
Glad you are enjoying the little things. Time with the kids is so precious. I just love seeing them smile.