Will be his name :]
we decided around 34 weeks...It wasnt mine or Jakes top picks, the name is more of a compromise. Pretty much how Aedyn was.
I had been complaining to Jake for forever about how Aedyn needs a middle name and how bad I just wanted his name to be complete.
So he promised me that he would think and look online for names for 30 minutes one day.lol
And he had already brought up the name Levi a couple of weeks before, and I was just sort of like, i dont know?
And he looked up the sons of Jacob in the bible and one of the sons were Levi, so it seemed like it worked and gave it more meaning.
I like it alot and I am so happy to have his name finally complete!
Aedyn Levi Foraker! :]
Also at 35 weeks - I was 1 1/2 cms dialated already!, when I was pregnant with Rylee I was 1/2 cm every time I got checked until I went into labor. And when I made it to Labor and Delivery I was 1 1/2 cms.
So it really makes it seem more real that he is going to be here sooo soon.
Dr. Patel asked me on my last visit if I wanted to be induced. I said no without much thought about it because I really do want to go into labor on my own, but the more I think about it, the more it does make sense for me to get induced.
Mainly becuase I am a big time stresser... I worry about everything!
I have so much to plan for this time around. I have to make sure Aedyn's bag is packed, mine is packed, Rylee's is packed for staying with her nana and pappaw.
And Jake has to take off time from work for the days I am in the hospital and probably about 3 more for bonding time with the baby and just helping us get settled down.
Not to mention that Jake works an hour away from home, and it is pretty hard to get in touch with him at work (with bad cell reception).
So if I were to go into labor at home alone with Rylee I would have to call Jake and wait an hour before I could even get to the hospital.
I am thinking I would rather have everything all planned out and ready to go now.
But... I will have to see when Patel will induce, becuase I remember when I was pregnant with Rylee she said she wouldn't induce early. Most doctors I hear about will induce at 39 weeks.
I would like to have Aedyn on 2/2/10.
I would like him to follow mine and Rylee's pattern of 1/1/92 and 5/5/08.
I just think it would be cool.
But I would technically only be 39 weeks, 1 day.
If she says no to that I would consider 2/5/10- because Rylee's birthday was the 5th and also this is a Friday and Jake would have the weekend off without messing with the budget.
or 2/10/10, because it is kind of like the pattern?
Its not a huge deal, but somehow it really has turned into one, lol. Jake even wants the baby born on 2/2/10.
Another new factor in all of this is that more than likely we will be moving at the end of January! not the best time to be having a baby!
Thats got me a little worried, but Jake seems to think we will have no problem. I hope he's right!
I have already packed Aedyn's things for the hospital, and I have made a list of all the things I need to take.
I think I have figured out my birth plan and everything. And how I want things to go with Rylee while Im in the hospital.
So I feel pretty in control of the situation at this point, I just hope it stays that way.
I am 36 weeks now and I have been having awful ligament pains where I cant do anything, I cant move at all.
On top of that I have been having what feels like very mild contractions, mainly at night time.
But the only difference is that I don't feel a pause in between the pains, like you would with contractions.
It is more of a constant discomfort.
I haven't asked the doctor about it yet, but I will at my next appointment.
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