Aedyn weighs 13.6 lbs this month :]
hes our little fat daddy.
hes also a little charmer, he loves to be talked to, and anytime you say his name sweetly he will give you the biggest smile.
hes gonna be a ladies man, you just wait & see.
Aedyn is already starting to scoot, he is following in his sisters footsteps.
It really makes me wonder if my babies have done stuff early because their genetics or because we work with them alot on their milestones.
The other day I told Jake that he was scooting & he was like No way.
So i lay Aedyn on the floor to show him & he does nothing, so I put him on the bed and there he goes.
He is also rolling from belly to back & also from back to belly really well now.
He is already becoming mobile :/
One thing he has started doing earlier than Rylee is... teething.
Rylee got her first tooth in her 5th month, & in Aedyns 3rd month hes started to get one.
It hasnt broken through the gum yet though.
I never know why he is cranky, I dont know if its his tooth, or his acid reflux, or gas or what.
It seems like hes already been through alot :/
He is almost constantly laughing or smiling. We noticed when he was littler that he was ticklish. If we ever tried to tickle him he would tense up and grunt. But now he had the cutest little laugh, it melts my heart :]]
He is the cutest little man in the world, I couldnt imagine not having him in my life