At 39 weeks we had an induction scheduled for 8:30 at night on February 1st, 2010.
At around 7:00 my best friend Amanda, and her brother Josh, came over to our new townhouse that we had just moved into over the weekend.
They wanted to see it for the first time.
We were rushing to go out to eat at Olive Garden for our last family dinner as 3
We were way behind on time, because by the time we got to Olive Garden and were seated it was about 7:45ish. We noticed the woman sitting behind us was Rebekkah from the Mommy meeting, one of the leaders who was being induced the next morning.
What a coincidence.
Well we ate very fast and took Rylee to my parent's house so we could get going to the hospital.
I was feeling kinda guilty for leaving Rylee and just going and changing her life so much.
It was weird, I definately didn't expect to feel like this.
Well we get to the hospital on time, and I have to wait in the waiting room for my room to be prepared! So we rushed for nothing.
We sat in the waiting room talking to some weird old guy who was talking about his 15 year old having a baby. It was kinda uncomfortable, and I was happy when they came in and got me!
Well I got in there and took my 39 week pictures before I had to get in my gown.
And then it was time for the millions of questions they ask you when you are in labor.
They told me that Jake couldn't be in the room for it. Neither one of us really liked that, because there's nothing he can't know and I wanted him there for the whole thing, just to make me feel more comfortable.
He said "No I am not leaving." Because they tried to tell him to leave when I was having Rylee and he said no, and they didn't make him leave.
And we weren't even married then. This time, they kept telling him that he had to leave.
Finally she said she would go ask her boss if he could stay and he just decided to leave on his own so he wouldn't start alot of drama.
It was pretty dumb. The reason he couldn't be there was to ask me if I am being abused.
I guess I see the point in it but if I, the patient want him to stay, he should be able to stay.
So once all that was over, I got my IV! I was so worried about it because its always hard and painful to give me one because my veins roll.
We told the nurse that and she was like Im pretty good. and she was. It was quick.
They checked me and said that I was 1 1/2 cms dialated, like they had said in the drs. office.
I got started on my cervidil at around 9:00.
At around 10:00 Jake decided he wanted to try to sleep a little, anticipating a long labor like with Rylee (23 hours)
So I watched tv for about 30 minutes and went to sleep too.
It was soooo hard to sleep, I had the monitors on my stumach to monitor the babys heart beat and his heart beat was already hard to pick up by the way he was positioned, so everytime I would try and turn over or move it wouldn't pick up.
And the nurse would come in and fix it.
And then every 30 minutes or so, the blood pressure thing on my arm would start.
It was almost impossible to sleep. They said I could request something to help me sleep, but I wanted to stay away from as many meds this time as I could.
So I said no.
I fell back asleep, and around midnight I started to feel contractions already, which I hadnt expected because I was only on cervidil. I didnt think that would give me contractions.
At 2:00 AM it was time for me to come off of cervidil and start pitocin. I was soo not looking forward to the pitocin because I know it makes your contractions awful!
But before I got my pitocin, the nurse said I could take a shower if I wanted, which I was pleasantly surprised by that.
She taped my hand up in a bag so my IV wouldn't get water in it. It looked pretty funny. lol. I'm glad I got the videos I did from it. :]
I couldn't even feel my contractions in the shower. It was so nice I never wanted to get out, but I knew the longer I stayed in the shower, the longer it would be until I had Aedyn.
Once the pitocin started, I felt bad contractions probably less than an hour later.
Jake went back to sleep and I was trying to fall back asleep.
I was able to sleep for a little while. I was told that Dr. Patel would be coming in to check on me before her office opened around 8-9 AM.
Well around 6 AM i was very exhausted and I couldn't sleep from the pain, so I asked for the sleeping medicine that they earlier offered me but I said no.
And now they said it was too late to get it! I thought I should be able to go to sleep whenever I wanted!
But they said I couldn't have it because it would probably still be in affect when it was time to have the baby and I would be asleep. I wish they had told me I would be cut off from it, I would have taken it before.
A couple hours later this male doctor that I had never seen before came in to break my water.
For one, it was already hurting extremely bad when he was checking how much I had dilated. So I was tensed up, and he kept saying "relax, relax". And I was trying but I was just in too much pain and couldn't relax.
So he tries to break my water and it hurt way way more than the contractions were hurting, I was crying and I didn't want anyone to know.
So the doctor says to the nurse, she isn't going to relax, in a rude way.
Like excuse me? I hated that doctor.
I asked if I could get the epidural and then get my water broke so I would be able to relax. And he said that I can only have an epidural when I am in active labor, and the way to get into active labor is to have my water broken.
Well he said he would come back later and try again. I knew that wasn't going to be the case, I knew I did not want him back in my room at all.
At this point I was pretty upset because it hurt so bad and I was not looking forward to anyone trying to break my water again!
The thought crossed my mind to get the other kind of pain medicine before i get my water broke, but my plan was to not use that medicine this time because it makes you so loopy and out of it.
I asked the nurse if it would help and she said probably not.
Then about an hour later, Dr. Patel came in and broke my water and it really didn't hurt at all. She is a much better doctor than that guy was.
Well I got the pain medicine anyway, because I was trying to hold off on the epidural as long as I could. I knew for sure I would be getting the epidural, I just wanted to wait because when I was in labor with Rylee, the epidural slowed down my dilation. And while the pain med was going into my IV, I could already feel it starting, I couldn't keep my eyes open. The next thing I knew Jake was gone, and apparently he went to the cafeteria to get food.
I was really sleepy and out of it. I could still feel my contractions some but no where near how bad they were before.
So I went to sleep for a few hours. I woke up from the pain from my contractions. And I just couldn't hold in the pain I was feeling, I knew Jake was asleep on the couch, but I just started yelling every contraction. I immediately knew it was time for an epidural. I asked for it and the nurse was like, I don't know if you can have one yet because at this point I was only about 4 cms. dilated. They asked Dr. Patel, and she said to give me the epidural whenever I wanted it.
So I got the epidural and right after they checked me and I was 6 cms.
Right after that, Meagan Odell, and her kids came to visit me, which I didn't know that they were coming because of the meds I was on.
After they left, My mom, dad, & Rylee came to see me.
While they were there the nurse checked me and said that I was 8 cms. I was dilating so much quicker than i did when I was having Rylee.
They stayed for a while, I was very happy to see Rylee. And about an hour later I was checked again and they said I was 9 1/2 cms.
It was starting to seem more and more real. I had everyone but Jake go to the waiting room.
They prepped my room for delivery. Dr. Patel was trying to get to the hospital in time to deliever him.
She got there and checked me and said that I was 10 cms. but I had a "lip", just a little bit of cervix blocking the way.
She said to try to push and see if he could just push past it. I did and it didn't work. So we waited through a few more contractions that I couldn't feel thankfully!
I pushed for a few minutes, Dr. Patel was much better than the doctor that delievered Rylee, she was more supportive and telling me what a great job I was doing.
They put the mirror in front of me so I could see what I was doing. It was crazy to see, but I am glad I did.
While I was pushing his heart rate was going down and there were times when they couldn't even pick up his heart beat. So they put an internal fetal monitor in. Which I later found out cut his little head :/
But while they did this I couldn't push and like 2 contractions later, while I wasn't even pushing, his head was coming out on its own.
I pushed for maybe 20 minutes and he was out!
At 1:21 pm on February 2nd, 2010. He weighed 7lbs. and was 19 1/2 inches long.
I am so happy to have my baby boy here! He completed our family.